Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Introducing the Herstory Project!

Last week, I was privileged to be a participant as part of a brand new project by Chick History called #Herstory.  I'm not sure when my podcast will air yet, but I will let everyone know as soon as I get a date. I spoke about one of my favorite women from Scandalous Women, Anne Hutchinson.

From the website:

"How many women in history can you name? 20? 10? Who are your favorites? Who has inspired you? How would you tell her story?

In 2012, Chick History will tell the stories of 52 women, not through names and dates of textbooks, but through the voices of contemporary women. Chick History is inviting 52 diverse women to take ownership of the historical women who have inspired them - from the headliners to the lesser-known gems - and is asking each one to share her story with us.

Hear elected officials, academics, mothers, filmmakers, authors, activists, CEO’s, and more offer snapshots of these women’s lives. You may know some of these stories. Others, you may not know. But over the year, #HerStory will provide a collection of inspiring and fascinating women of history who form the foundation on which modern women are building today.

#HerStory is also an empowering way for contemporary women to express their gratitude to these historical women, by becoming an advocate and amplifier of their lives - sharing their stories with the larger world so that others may also find inspiration in their lives.

There is someone in history for all of us. Someone whose actions and words, courage and commitment, is a touchstone for us. Someone who has shaped our values, our points of view, our careers, commitments, and beliefs. Someone whose words cheer us up and motivate us to begin a difficult new project, make a career change, or just help us to get through another bad day at the office. Someone who inspires us and gives us the strength to make a change in our lives

Somewhere in these podcasts, during this year, Chick History hopes you will find a connection with one of these women. That she speaks to you on a personal level through her story, and you find something of what you have done, what you are doing, or what you have thought you might try in your own life.

So tune in each week for a new story and get inspired. And when the year is over, the next time someone asks you “How many inspiring women in history are there?” can start with these 52 and go from there."

The first podcast launched on New Year's Day with Eleanor Roosevelt by Maggie McIntosh, Maryland State Delegate.  You can either download the podcast on iTunes or at the Chick History page.

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