Saturday, January 17, 2015

How to create a covetable brand

This is just a friendly reminder that the second part of the How to live a creative life series of workshops is on this Thursday at the Apple store, Bondi (6.30-7.30pm). This time I'll be interviewing people who have lots of experience and knowledge when it comes to creating covetable brands. Hope to see you there!

Don't forget to click on the image to see a larger version, and for dates and times.

What's the topic? How to create a covetable brand
What will it cover? What you say and how you say it creates a lasting impression - no matter what career you're in. Branding is not just about the font you choose for your logo - although that's important. It's also about the way you communicate your core values to others. You need to be clear and consistent, and so this workshop will give you all the tools you need.
Will I learn something? Loads! It's suited to anyone who wants to create a blog (or give theirs a revamp) to people who need design and communications guidance.
How much does it cost? Nothing - it's FREE!

If you can come along it would be appreciated if you can rsvp to natalie[at]

However, you can just turn up on the night.

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