Thursday, January 15, 2015


A lot of great design comes out of Melbourne. A recent example is Copper - a collaboration between industrial designers Edward Linacre, pictured above left, and Viktor Legin. Both of them studied in their chosen profession and worked through the ranks of leading Melbourne design firms before teaming up to create Copper in 2013. Now they are focussed on creating and manufacturing a range of products, including an array of lights, in Australia. Recently they were awarded the Temple and Webster Emerging Designer Award.

Which five words best describe you? “Caring, excitable, chaotic, charismatic, positive.” - as described by Vik. 

How did you get your career start and what path have you taken since? Brighton Bay Photography Art and Design put me on the right path, literally. I thought I was a grapho. Internship in Germany kicked me up the bum and into gear. Honours at Swinburne with inspirational tutors. Solid three years with CP Design (now Annex Products) was invaluable. Now co-run my own industrial design consultancy, Copper ID.

What’s the best lesson you’ve learnt along the way? Don't do anything half-arsed or else you'll pay. Go hard or go home. Welcome collaboration. 

What’s your proudest career achievement? Runner up in Young Designer Award at Satellite, Salone de Mobile, Milan, 2013. 

What’s been your best decision? To start Copper with Viktor Legin.   

Who inspires you? Viktor Legin. And Yves BĂ©har in the design industry. Janine Benyus, author of Biomimicry: Innovation inspired by nature, and many others. Get into it.  

What are you passionate about? Biomimicry. Appropriate design. Experimental and traditional artforms. Creativity. Collaboration. Innovation.

Which person, living or dead, would you most like to meet? Janine Benyus. Buckminster Fuller. Bill Hicks.

What dream do you still want to fulfil? Help to create environmentally appropriate and cooperative systems of living based on the biological, closed loop systems of nature that have existed on Earth for billions of years, and, therefore, aid our ability to live and grow in harmony on this planet

What are you reading? Undeniable - Christopher Keating.

Which five words best describe you? “Intense, perfectionist, freak, honest, passionate.” - as described by Ed.

How did you get your career start and what path have you taken since? It started in a Brighton Bay Art Design and Photography program after which I found my passion for industrial design. I then went to Swinburne and studied industrial design and graduated with honours in 2008. Whilst doing my honours I started working at MAP International along side Daniel Barbera [DI interview here] and Chris Connell and continued to work there for four years. In that period I also worked part time at Swinburne as a workshop technician and a lecturer. This allowed me to develop skills as a designer as well as a maker and learn what I needed in order to establish Copper Id.

What’s the best lesson you’ve learnt along the way? There is a solution for every problem if you put enough thought into it. Do it once and do it right and never present anything you are not happy with.

What’s your proudest career achievement? Winning Temple & Webster Emerging Designer Award was a highlight for me because it was the first award Ed and I won as a duo.

What’s been your best decision? To team up with Ed and start Copper. 

Who inspires you? My main source of inspiration would have to be the people I work with: Edward Linacre, Chris Connell, Daniel Barbera, Adam Cornish. Nikola Tesla is also a huge inspiration to me.

What are you passionate about? I have a passion for minimalism in all aspects. I go by the less is more design principle. Minimal techno is what I listen to most. I live a minimal lifestyle where everything I own has a purpose and is used often. I think there is a real beauty in minimalism and simplicity.

Which person, living or dead, would you most like to meet? Nikola Tesla.

What dream do you still want to fulfill? I guess the dream is to grow Copper to the point where I can design more product and not have as many restraints. Would love to have a world wide distribution and collaborate with other designers and companies more. Would love to have some sort of positive impact on the planet and leave something beautiful behind.

What are you reading? The archaic revival by Terence McKenna.

images courtesy of copper

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