It was during his first year of studying architecture that Jade Vidal met two fellow students, Chema Bould and Anna Dutton, who went on to become his partners in Bower Architecture. That was 20 years ago but it wasn’t until 2005 that the Melbourne-based trio joined forces. “Architecture is an extremely rewarding and challenging field with a strong sense of camaraderie and dedication amongst architects,” Jade says. Together they have worked on a range of mostly residential projects, including the Hover House, above, which was a Victorian Architecture Award Winner 2014.
Which five words best describe you? Intuitive, loyal, determined, impatient, passionate.
How did you get your career start and what path have you taken since? I went as far as getting a science degree in evolutionary biology before changing course completely to pursue architecture. Too long studying – but this background provided a great perspective of how our surroundings can shape us and the places we live. After a few years of working in architectural practices post graduation, formed Bower architecture in 2005 with Chema Bould and Anna Dutton.
What’s the best lesson you’ve learnt along the way? That the solution to a problem will always come in time, often in the form of a new opportunity which will make the end result better.
What’s your proudest career achievement? Facing and working on weaknesses, like learning to draw and present work with confidence.
What’s been your best decision? My choice of business partners. Although we're different individuals we make a great team and balance our personalities in a really productive and potent way.
Who inspires you? My wife Jackie and boys Leon and Atlas. And all the people out there who aspire to make beautiful things by thinking for themselves ‐ regardless of style, field or scale.
What are you passionate about? Savouring the good things and moments in life and not taking them for granted. Honesty and Integrity. Designing memorable houses.
Which person, living or dead, would you most like to meet? So many. Songwriter Steve Forbert, architect Louis Kahn, the entire Brazilian soccer team from 1970... Gabe Newell of Valve Software would probably be top of the list though.
What dream do you still want to fulfil? Design my own house. See my boys grow up into who they want to be. Make the ultimate mixtape. Discover the videogame Half Life 3 is being released and play the hell out of it. Crack open a bottle of Jagermiester with loved ones on a trip to New York when I hit fifty.
What are you reading? Pezzettino by Leo Lionni to my son, every night.
images courtesy of bower architecture
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